
good job testimonialsTestimonials are the best advertising Cayman Solar or any company can have especially if the testimonials come from the client themselves.  Please find several videos and comment on this page that show the craftsmanship and quality of the work performed by Cayman Solar and our affiliated companies.


We strive to update our testimonial page with every job – check back!


Satisfied Customers Grand Cayman Island

This is a 13,500 watt system installed on the East End of Grand Cayman Island.  The client’s testimonials can be found on this page.  Overall the system produces more power than the home uses and is the 2nd CUC CORE FIT approved solar energy system in the Cayman Islands.  The system still looks brand new due to the superior construction and dedication of the homeowner to keep the equipment clean and free of salt water.

Key West Customer is Pleased

This is a small battery back up system installed in Key West Florida.  The homeowner wanted a solar energy system that would power his critical loads in the event of a power outage due to hurricanes.  The system keeps the refrigerator, lights and a small fan operating 24 hours a day regardless of if the power company is making electricity or not.  The system was installed in 2010 and was the first residential system of its kind in the City of Key West. Just like the energizer bunny the system keeps going and going…

Hurricane Bunker with Solar In Cayman

Cayman Solar Sunrise – System Inspection